
How To Use A Forge In 7 Days To Die

"Used to smelt metals to craft tools and weapons or stone to arts and crafts cement. Unlock more recipes through perks. Install tools to increase functioning or unlock recipes"
Bones Information
Removed : {{{removed_version}}}
Grouping Building, Decor/Miscellaneous
Category Placeable
Type Workstation
Boodle Container
Gear Slot
Covering Attribute
Block Backdrop
Hit Points 800
Storage Slots
Horizontal Support 10
Mass ten
Calorie-free Opacity
Upgrades to
Breaks to
Weapon/Tool Properties
Entity Impairment
Ability Set on Entity Damage
Block Impairment
Ability Attack Block Impairment
Effective Range
Explosion Range Entities
Explosion Range Blocks
Attacks per Infinitesimal
Rounds per Minute
Reload Time
Ammo Type
Mag Size
Stamina Usage
Power Assault Stamina Usage
Impairment Multiplier: Earth
Harm Multiplier: Metal
Damage Multiplier: Rock
Harm Multiplier: Wood
Butcher Tool
Butcher Harm Multiplier
Butcher Resources Multiplier
Detach Tool
Vehicle Properties
Vehicle Speed
Vehicle Sprint Speed
Protection Backdrop
Common cold Resist
Heat Resist
Armor Rating
Elemental Protection
Upshot Protection
Mobility Reduction
Stamina Regen Reduction
Dissonance Increase
Consumption Furnishings
Result on Fullness
Effect on Hydration
Result on max Stamina
Effect on Stamina regen
Effect on Health
Effect on Max Wellness
Cure Percent
Buff Warmed by a Fire
Buff Outcome
Buff Duration
Dysentery Chance (%)
Characteristic Backdrop
Durability (Min Quality)
Immovability (Max Quality)
Degradation per Use
Modernistic Type
Uniform Mods
Repaired Using
Electrical Power Required
Base Price
Max Stack ane
Scrapping/Forging Properties
Scraps into
Fire Time
Farming Backdrop
Crop produced
Seed used
Time to grow
Obtainable Through Crafting, Looting, Trading

Clarification [ ]

A Forge is used to smelt items into refined products that are more useful. This process requires time, fuel sources to operate, and scrapped or whole materials to smelt.

A Forge allows survivors to craft avant-garde Tools, Building Materials, armament components, and other Resources.

Usage [ ]

Fuel is placed in the cells below the tool cells. The Forge can be turned on either with the on/off button below the fuel, or turned on by starting a new recipe. The Forge will non turn off automatically unless all the fuel is expended. No recipe will be available until there is fuel in the fuel cells. Fuels include all items with a burn down fourth dimension, including Coal (100 seconds), Wood (fifty seconds), and Oil Shale (5 seconds), and Gas Can (ii seconds).

Crafting [ ]

RockSmall.png 50* Pocket-sized Stone afterwards attaining level 1
AdvancedEngineering.png Advanced Engineering
01′ 21"
ClaySoil.png threescore* Clay Soil
Leather.png 10* Leather
DuctTape.png 3* Duct Tape
ShortMetalPipe.png 3* Short Fe Pipe
[[File:|75px|link=]] {{{itemcount6}}}* [[]]
[[File:|75px|link=]] {{{itemcount7}}}* [[]]
[[File:|75px|link=]] {{{itemcount8}}}* [[]]
[[File:|75px|link=]] {{{itemcount9}}}* [[]]
[[File:{{{image10}}}|75px|link={{{linkname10}}}]] {{{itemcount10}}}* [[{{{linkname10}}}]]
Required Materials
Quality i Quality 2 Quality 3 Quality 4 Quality 5
RockSmall.png 50 75 100 125 150
ClaySoil.png 60 90 120 150 180
Leather.png ten 15 xx 25 30
DuctTape.png 3 iv 6 7 9
ShortMetalPipe.png iii 4 6 7 9
[[File:|40px]] Expression mistake: Unexpected * operator. Expression error: Unexpected * operator. Expression fault: Unexpected * operator. Expression error: Unexpected * operator.

Forge Tools [ ]

Although players can start smelting right away with the Forge, it is recommended to acquire the three tools below to maximize time, efficiency, and extra recipes. These tools occupy the tool slots of the Forge and are used to unlock recipes. In that location are 2 tools that are needed for dissimilar recipes. All tools can be establish in boodle across the world, just are likewise craftable. These Forge tools are removeable and can be carried to other Forges y'all may have in other locations.

While using the Forge without the 3 tools the player will notice the Examine menu pane indicates whatsoever required and/or missing tools in the upper-right corner. In the paradigm below, the Crucible is required but is non present in the forge. In the upper-right corner, a red "X" and "CRUCIBLE REQUIRED" is visible, indicating the item tin not exist crafted.

A Crucible is required to craft Forged Steel

Forge Recipes [ ]

Pressing E on the Forge will display the Recipes in the left-hand window all listed in alphabetical society. The search bar at the height left volition filter recipes to include all with the same text in the proper name. Recipes volition automatically plow white in color and sort to the top, if the Forge has the ingredients to brand them in the "smelting inventory". No recipes will evidence equally bachelor if there is no fuel in the forge. Recipes may crave Forge Tools to be placed into the Tools slots of the Forge before they can be crafted; once the Forge Tools are placed boosted recipes will become available. Other recipes will crave Perks to craft them. Some of those aforementioned recipes tin also be unlocked when the appropriate Perk Books accept been read. After either method is done those recipes will have the lock icon will be removed. Assuming the player has the required materials in their Inventory the recipes will plow white allowing the to be crafted. Quantity to be crafted can exist selected below the detail image either by typing in the quantity or by pressing the left and right arrows to increase/decrease the corporeality past one. Pressing the right pointer with the bar volition max the qty to the number of bachelor resources from the character's inventory. Selecting the Turn On push button will activate the Forge, remove the materials from the character's inventory, place the item in a queue in the bottom left displaying the time to arts and crafts all the selected quantity, and begin smelting the new items. Up to 4 different recipes can be queued at a time.

Items will output one at a time per base time until all have been crafted. When the items are completed they volition dispense in the 6 output cells in the lower correct window. In one case 1 type is complete the queue will automatically movement to the next type. Times vary past level of the appropriate skill (i.due east. anvils will craft faster if the character's misc. craft skill is higher). If the output tray is full, crafting will be halted until there is infinite for more than items. Fuel will continue to burn even while crafting is halted. Recipes that output an item with quality will craft a random quality if a role player does not shortly have that forge carte du jour open up; the character'south skill will determine the quality if they do have the forge open at the concluding moment of the craft. Whenever an item is crafted, the advisable skill volition gain experience and then long every bit a character is looking in the forge.

Item Required Materials Implement Fourth dimension Book Skill
Anvil.png Anvil ScrapIron.png Iron *1250, ClaySoil.png Clay Soil *125 - 11′ 27.v" Schematic -
ScrapBrass.png Brass ScrapBrass.png Brass *1 - 00′ 01" - -
BrickBlock.png Brick Blocks RockSmall.png Small Stone *10, ClaySoil.png Clay Soil *lx - 00′ 32.v" - -
BrickPaver.png Brick Paver Block RockSmall.png Pocket-size Stone *10, ClaySoil.png Clay Soil *threescore - 00′ 32.5" - -
StairsPavers.png Brick Stairs RockSmall.png Small Stone *10, ClaySoil.png Dirt Soil *60 - 00′ 32.5" - -
BrokenGlass.png Broken Glass BrokenGlass.png Broken Drinking glass *5 - 00′ 05" - -
Buckshot.png Buckshot ScrapLead.png Atomic number 82 *3, ClaySoil.png Clay Soil *1 - 00′ 3.v" - -
BulletCasing.png Bullet Casing ScrapBrass.png Contumely *6, ClaySoil.png Clay Soil *1 - 00′ vi.5" - -
BulletTip.png Bullet Tip ScrapLead.png Lead *2, ClaySoil.png Clay Soil *1 - 00′ 2.5" - -
BulletProofGlassPlate.png Impenetrable Drinking glass CrushedSand.png Crushed Sand *137, RockSmall.png Small Stone *12, ScrapLead.png Atomic number 82 *50, ScrapIron.png Fe *25, ClaySoil.png Dirt Soil *25 Crucible 03′ 35" - -
Cement.png Cement RockSmall.png Modest Stone *10 - 00′ 2.v" - -
ClayRoofBlock.png Clay Roof Blocks RockSmall.png Small Stone *5, ClaySoil.png Clay Soil *30 - 00′ sixteen.25" - -
CookingGrill.png Cooking Grill ScrapIron.png Atomic number 26 *25, ClaySoil.png Dirt Soil *5 - 00′ 15" - -
CookingPot.png Cooking Pot ScrapIron.png Iron *25, ClaySoil.png Clay Soil *5 - 00′ 15" - -
CanEmpty.png Empty Can ScrapIron.png Iron *5, ClaySoil.png Clay Soil *ane - 00′ 03" - -
ForgedIron.png Forged Atomic number 26 ScrapIron.png Iron *12, ClaySoil.png Clay Soil *half dozen - 00′ 08" - -
IngotSteel.png Forged Steel ScrapIron.png Iron *xx, ClaySoil.png Clay Soil *10 Crucible 00′ 15" - -
GlassBusinessCTRSheet.png Glass Block CrushedSand.png Crushed Sand *17, ScrapLead.png Lead *6, ClaySoil.png Clay Soil *two - 00′ 24" - -
EmptyJar.png Glass Jar CrushedSand.png Crushed Sand *ten, ClaySoil.png Dirt Soil *1 - 00′ 10.5" - -
Glass.png Drinking glass Pane CrushedSand.png Crushed Sand *10, ScrapLead.png Lead *3, ClaySoil.png Clay Soil *1 - 00′ 13.5" - -
GlassIndustrial02CTRPlate.png Industrial Drinking glass two Centered CrushedSand.png Crushed Sand *14, ScrapLead.png Lead *five, ClaySoil.png Clay Soil *ii - 00′ 20" - -
GlassIndustrial.png Industrial Glass Centered CrushedSand.png Crushed Sand *14, ScrapLead.png Lead *5, ClaySoil.png Clay Soil *2 - 00′ twenty" - -
ScrapIron.png Fe ScrapIron.png Iron *ane - 00′ 0.5" - -
IronArrowHead.png Fe Arrowhead ScrapIron.png Iron *2, ClaySoil.png Dirt Soil *1 - 00′ 1.five" - -
IronBars.png Iron Bars ScrapIron.png Iron *100, ClaySoil.png Clay Soil *20 - 01′ 00" - -
Dart.png Iron Dart ScrapIron.png Fe *3, ClaySoil.png Clay Soil *1 - 00′ 02" - -
ScrapLead.png Lead ScrapLead.png Pb *1 - 00′ 01" - -
MetalTrussing.png Metal Trussing ScrapIron.png Atomic number 26 *xl, ClaySoil.png Clay Soil *5 - 00′ 22.v" - -
Nails.png Nails ScrapIron.png Iron *1, ClaySoil.png Clay Soil *one - 00′ 01" - -
A13RocketCasing.png Rocket Casing ScrapIron.png Iron *50, ClaySoil.png Clay Soil *30 - 00′ forty" Schematic Demolitions Skilful
A13RocketTip.png Rocket Tip ScrapLead.png Pb *62, ClaySoil.png Clay Soil *37 - 01′ 20.v" Rocket Launcher Schematic Demolitions Expert
ShortMetalPipe.png Short Iron Piping ScrapIron.png Iron *10, ClaySoil.png Clay Soil *5 - 00′ 7.5" - -
GlassBusinessBlock.png Shower Glass Block CrushedSand.png Crushed Sand *17, ScrapLead.png Lead *vi, ClaySoil.png Clay Soil *2 - 00′ 24" - -
RockSmall.png Small-scale Stone RockSmall.png Small Stone *5 - 00′ 1.25" - -
SteelArrowHead.png Steel Arrowhead ScrapIron.png Iron *vii, ClaySoil.png Clay Soil *1 Crucible 00′ 04" - -
WroughtIronFenceSheet.png Wrought Atomic number 26 Fence ScrapIron.png Fe *15, ClaySoil.png Dirt Soil *ane - 00′ 08" - -

Smelting [ ]

To smelt materials into the Forge, survivors must eolith raw materials, such as Iron, into the Forge's "input slots." When the Forge is running, raw materials in the input slots volition automatically be consumed, adding to the amounts of material within the Forge itself. The amount of each textile stockpiled inside the Forge is visible. This amount is express to 30000 per material. Smelting materials that would exceed this limit will no longer be smelted. Once the Forge has enough material smelted, that material tin be forged into products such as Forged Fe. This process takes boosted time. If the Forge is destroyed all the materials that have been smelted into it will be lost. However, at that place are recipes for raw materials in the Forge's crafting menu and then the role player can remember their materials from the Forge. The Forge tin can consume raw materials and produce finished products at the same fourth dimension. For instance, if Brass and Lead are placed into the input slots and the Forge begins producing Forged Iron the operations will keep at the same time without taking any additional fuel or time.

Items that can be melted down in the Forge are listed below with their (smelting time in seconds per 1 unit of each particular) in a forge without the Avant-garde Bellows.

  • Note: This smelting list is not spread-out, there are more than items that tin can be smelted downwardly than are included in this list; this list just gives some of the common items.

For Fe: [ ]

For Brass: [ ]

For Atomic number 82: [ ]

For Glass: [ ]

For Rock: [ ]

For Clay: [ ]

  • ClaySoil.png Clay Soil (v)

Heat Map [ ]

Whenever you use a Forge it affects the Heatmap. If used for long enough or if multiple forges are used simultaneously, it volition attract zombies. If the heat level gets high plenty, it volition concenter ane or more than Screamer Zombies.

For a meliorate agreement of the heatmap and oestrus, see Heatmap.

All Forged Items Sorted by Ingredient [ ]

Ingredient Recipes
Brass Bullet Casing, Brass
Clay Soil Anvil, Brick Paver Block, Brick Blocks, Buckshot, Bullet Casing, Bullet Tip, Business Drinking glass Block, Business Glass Centered, Business organisation Glass Pane, Clay Roof Blocks, Cooking Grill, Cooking Pot, Forged Iron, Forged Steel, Glass Jar, Drinking glass Pane, Industrial Glass ii Centered, Industrial Drinking glass Centered, Fe Arrowhead, Iron Bars, Lump of Dirt, Metal Trussing Block, Minibike Chassis, Nails, Rebar Frames, Rocket Casing, Rocket Tip, Short Fe Pipe, Shower Drinking glass Block, Steel Arrowhead, Wrought Iron Fence
Crushed Sand Broken Glass, Business Glass Block, Concern Glass Centered, Business Drinking glass Pane, Glass Jar, Glass Pane, Industrial Glass Centered, Industrial Drinking glass ii Centered, Shower Drinking glass Block
Iron Anvil, Cooking Grill, Cooking Pot, Forged Fe, Forged Steel, Iron Arrowhead, Iron Bars, Metal Trussing Cake, Minibike Chassis, Nails, Rebar Frames, Rocket Casing, Iron, Curt Iron Pipage, Steel Arrowhead, Wrought Iron Argue
Pb Buckshot, Bullet Tip, Business Drinking glass Block, Business organisation Glass Centered, Business organisation Glass Pane, Glass Pane, Industrial Drinking glass 2 Centered, Industrial Glass Centered, Rocket Tip, Lead, Shower Glass Block
Small Stone Brick Blocks, Brick Paver Block, Cement, Clay Roof Blocks, Small Stone

Notes [ ]

  • Breaking the forge will destroy information technology completely besides as its contents.
  • If you pick up the forge the materials are lost, just the forge appears in your inventory.
  • Smelted materials can exist forged dorsum into their scrap parts through the forge.
  • For the sake of overheating, information technology is possible to stand up far enough away from the forge to non gain the 'Warmed By A Burn' buff, but still be able to utilise it.
  • Once started, the forge will burn all fuel placed in the input slots, even after it has finished forging all items unless it is manually shut off.
  • Vertical Support: Yes

Video [ ]

Crafting a Forge

How To Use A Forge In 7 Days To Die,


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